Alcudia Beach Set to Improve thanks to Grant

Alcudia beach will be even better thanks to investment and works which have already started, which are expected to be finished before the start of the 2025 high season. They were recently visited by the Minister for Tourism, Culture & Sports, Jaume Bauzà and the Mayor of Alcudia, Fina Linares. In all, the work includes the demolition and new construction of six beach areas on Alcudia beach, a project that has a €4,097,756 grant from Next Generation EU funds.

The renovation of these facilities is part of the reconversion of Alcudia beach and the improvement of the municipality’s infrastructure, from which both residents and visitors benefit.

Minister Bauzà has highlighted the “need to invest in modern, higher quality and more environmentally friendly facilities to make the Balearic Islands an increasingly competitive and, above all, higher quality destination.” Likewise, Bauzà has stressed the importance of the town council benefiting from the Next Generation funds. “It is important that our neighbours are the ones who see and enjoy the improvements that the municipalities undertake thanks to these grants, in addition to the fact that they will also have a positive impact on the positioning, in this case of Alcudia, as a quality tourist destination.”

For her part, Mayor Linares has recalled that these facilities “were in danger of falling and this subsidy has served to finance the demolition and construction of the six areas.”

These improvements are part of the Tourism Resilience Strategy within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed with Next Generation EU funds and with which a total of 87 projects from 41 municipalities and two island councils have been subsidised.

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